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Attendance in school is important.All students are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill. The State of Indiana recognizes legal and excused absences only due to the illness of the child, death in the immediate family, or subpoena of the student to court. Please call our Attendance Line at 317-988-6550 each day that your child is absent from school and send a written note stating the dates of absences and reasons.

Elementary Student Attendance/Tardies Guidelines and Procedures

  1. Students will be counted” tardy” if they arrive at school after the official start of school and before ½ of the school day is complete. (This time will vary from school to school.)
  2. The school day is divided into two parts: a.m. and p.m. Students will be counted in attendance for a ½ day if they attend for a portion of the morning or afternoon. If students arrive in the a.m., before the ½ day time limit, they should be counted for a full attendance day. The same shall apply if a student leaves school early.
  3. There will be two awards issued to students for attendance at the elementary level-Perfect Attendance and Outstanding Attendance.
  4. If a student attends every day that school is in session and is present for every minute of every session, he/she shall be awarded a Perfect Attendance Award.
  5. In order to qualify for a Perfect Attendance Award, a student may not have any tardies or any early releases from school.
    A student will qualify for an Outstanding Attendance Award if he/she has no more than a total of 6 tardies or early release days for the year.